Friday 31 August 2012

Ingredients That Make Define 8 A Truly Reliable Fitness Supplement

At present, staying healthy is no longer merely about taking the suitable food and preserving good health. For the real health buff, it implies working out consistently, showing a strong commitment to maintaining wellness, and also making use of the most effective dietary supplements to help combat fat and gaining weight. There are a great number of goods available to choose from which can be used for this objective, and one of them is Define 8, a food supplement produced by MuscleWerks, a division of Hans Drake International Corp.

Define 8 is a health supplement that contains several nutrients, including not just fat-burning substances such as guarana seed extract and synephrine, but also balanced nutrient-rich additions such as leaf extracts from green tea and dandelion. Synephrine originates naturally from the fruit of Citrusauranticum, which is commonly known as "bitter orange". It is also present in products from other citrus fruits, such as juices and marmalades, albeit at a reduced quantity. It is recommended as a good fat burner and it promotes weight loss by speeding up metabolism and inhibiting appetites. The bump in metabolism felt by those who take supplements with synephrine also causes an increase in vitality and production of body heat.

Another main element of Define 8, guarana, also emanates from plants. It is a rising plant that is native in the Amazon region and is specifically common in Brazil. Its seeds consist of a large amount of caffeine - almost twice the power of caffeine in coffee beans - and this acts as a stimulant for the entire body. Due to its stimulating properties, guarana, when paired with synephrine, truly works as an effective fat crusher.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), another necessary component in Define 8, is an Omega-6 essential fatty acid that can also be present in safflower and grape seed oil. CLA is said to imitate the actions of artificial diabetic drug treatments in the body and improves the body's response to insulin. This gradually decreases the quantity of glucose circulating in the system.

Other ingredients in Define 8 serve to enhance the stimulating and fat-burning components of synephrine and guarana. Green tea, for illustration, includes a potent thermogenic element called epigallocatechingallate (or EGCG as it is more popularly known). EGCG helps the body expend extra strength by activating fat oxidation pathways in the body's cells. Leaf extracts from dandelion serve as a diuretic, which decreases bloating from extra water in the body.

Lastly, Define 8 contains D-glucuronatacone to secure the body's cells from further damage. This well known dietary supplement is available in a number of flavours, such as pineapple, grape, watermelon and mango, and these can be taken just before meals or activity.

Proper diet, workout program and effective supplement will truly help you keep the body fit you wanted. Make yourself discipline for a healthier living.

Thursday 30 August 2012

The Right Nutrition Could Be The Missing LInk in Your Exercise Routine

A nutritional diet is the backbone behind any successful workout program, and without the right diet, your exertions will bare you little fruit. You might look a little better, but you will not be able to get where you need to be. Ripped with a rock-hard, six-pack!
 Nutrition is essential for building muscle as it increases the metabolic rate, while at the same time it prevents the body from feeding on your muscle mass, which is the last thing you want happening. No point taking three steps forward, and then two steps back but this is exactly what will happen without the right men's nutrition dietary plan.
 What foods should you eat?
 Protein: Protein is one of the most important ingredients, when it comes to men's nutrition for bodybuilding. Protein helps promotes lean muscles and helps give your body shape and definition. 
 Through the vigor's of weight lifting and other exercises that induce muscle stress, tiny tears are created in the muscle. Your body repairs these muscle tears, which in-turn makes the muscle grow larger. Without sufficient levels of protein in your diet, muscles will not be able to repair themselves correctly, and hence won't grow.
 Good sources of protein are chicken, fish and turkey.
 Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provide your body with fuel and energy, and enhance its capacity to store proteins and fats. There are two main types of carbohydrates needed when building muscle. Simple carbohydrates which can be obtained from fruits, vegetable and milk based products and complex carbohydrates which you can find in cereals, bread, pasta and whole grains,
 Just like with proteins, carbohydrates are an essential ingredient in any men's nutrition plan.
 Fat: A certain intake of fat is also required as part of your daily food consumption, fatty acids provided your body with energy, and help you build bulk, which can then be worked into ripped muscle.
 Vegetables, fresh fruit and fish are good sources of essential fatty acids.
 Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins and Minerals play a vital role in cell reparation, and the production of new cells. As well as providing for a host of other benefits, such as normal function, of your body's internal organs.
 Many vitamins and minerals also serve as antioxidants, which protect cells against the oxidative damage produced by inflammation. Vitamins and Minerals deplete fast during the course of a workout, so sufficient amounts both are needed to ensure that your body always has some in reserve.
 Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Magnesium are just some of the vitamins and minerals that should be included as part of a diet for building muscle.
 How often should you eat?
 When you exercise regularly as part an overall workout program, you need to eat small but frequent meals throughout the course of your day. This could equate to as many as six or seven meals a day, depending on the workout program that you have designed.
 Every meal should have carbohydrates, protein and fat in the correct ratios: 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20 % good fats.
 Calorie intake should be cycled to prevent the metabolism from becoming accustomed to a certain caloric level.
 Men's nutrition the be all and end all!
 As I said earlier, a nutritional, diet has to be at the heart of your workout program. Too many people make the mistake of focusing more on the training routines that make-up a workout program than the actual food that will underline and fuel the program itself.
 If you are serious about building the body of your dreams. Then you will need to build it on a foundation of proper men's nutrition.
John Powers is a Men's Fitness Expert who has helped 1,000's of men reach their fitness goals. Whether it be Men's Fitness Routines, Nutrution, or Supplements John can provide you with the expert guidance you desire to reach your Ideal Fitness goals. For more personnel guidance and information please visit <a href=""></a> to Get the Ideal Fitness System eCourse for FREE!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Attain Good Health Through Cardio Exercise

Any kind of activity from walking fast to going for long running or rowing, biking, jumping the rope or swimming causes cardio activity to some extent. These are all forms of cardio exercises that we could include in our daily life. Apart from the kind of exercise that you may choose, there is another feature, common to all exercises, that contributes to its being effective, and that is your diet. It's not unusual to come across people who visit the gym regularly, during the day or even at the end of the day at their workplace. They are on the treadmill or use elliptical machine very diligently, as per instructions of the coach and for the prescribed time. Yet, one often observes that despite their having continued to follow the exercising routine, there is hardly any noticeable change in their physical being. One begins to doubt the effectiveness of such an exercise regimen and wonders why they failed to achieve the expected results by way of improved physical form.
The best way to explain this is that it concerns and connected with what kind of routine life they lead when away from the gym. It's not too difficult for anyone to be in the gym regularly and work on the treadmill. But, that alone doesn't help them lose weight to the desired extent. For any weight loss program to succeed, it has to be accompanied with proper diet and sufficient rest. There are many who visit the gym and continue their workout till the machine informs them of the calories they have burnt. At the end of it, on walking out of the gym, they eagerly look forward to having their favorite ice cream or sandwich for which perhaps they been longing the whole day. They think that they have already used the needed calories of the day and now it's time to reward them.
It's unhealthy, yet most of the Americans seem to have adopted this attitude. You should understand that for achieving the desired level of fitness you have to strike a balance between what you eat and how much you exercise. Exercising followed by excessive food doesn't help anyway to keep your body fit.
If you are really serious on losing weight and maintaining it within the desired healthy limits, you need to change your approach to fitness and get better disciplined. You have to practice doing away with unhealthy foods, and learn to restrain yourself from eating foods that you know are not healthy for you. The immediate satisfaction you get on eating unhealthy food may be great, but it's short lived and certainly not worthwhile in the end.
Written by Lindelle Jones.Want to learn the best bicep workout tips? Go to the bicep workout website.
<a href=""></a>

Monday 27 August 2012

10 reasons to drink more water

Water Bottle
Your mother may have told you to drink more water when you were young, but you may ignored the advice. As being a logical person, you need reasons on why spending all those time to drink water. Here you go – The Ririan Project gives 10 reasons why drinking water is good for you.
 Get Healthy Skin
 Flush Toxins
 Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Attack
 Cushion And Lube Your Joints And Muscles
 Get Energized And Be Alert
 Stay Regular
 Reduce Your Risk Of Disease And Infection
 Regulate Your Body Temperature
 Burn More Fat And Build More Muscle
 Get Well

A plateful of colour in the Summer

In our quest for healthy eating we should look closer at what to eat.
Natural chemicals in plant foods are known to protect, heal and repair our body.
Eating a diet, high in various colours from plant food will bring a host of phytochemicals (chemicals in plants) which are known to deliver health benefits along with the vitamins, minerals and fibre they also contain.
The assortment from our plant foods bring red, green, white, purple, yellow and orange pigments which deliver these special chemicals to support health.
An example to try Beetroot.
This is high nutrient dence food, but look closer at the phytochemicals in the plant we can see that they help in liver detoxification and inflammation and cardiovascular benefits such as keeping blood pressure levels healthy.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Maintain The Best Digestive Health With Foods That Promote A Healthy Lifestyle

Foods that promote digestive health are extremely important, as good digestion is essential to maintaining good overall health. Since it is the digestive system that is responsible for distributing nutrients throughout the body, ensuring that it is functioning properly cannot be emphasized enough and that means making sure that you are eating the right foods.
 The digestive system is basically one large, intricate pipeline through which all the food you eat passes, is broken down into its basic nutrients and the waste left over is expelled on a regular basis. The more smoothly this whole process goes, the better your entire body will be for it. The other organs will function better and the immune system will be strengthened so it can fight off disease.
 Most people take their digestive system for granted, not realizing just how critical it is. As a result, millions of people across the globe end up suffering from a variety of digestive issues, ranging from upset stomach and heartburn to irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer. Eating foods that promote digestive health can provide your digestive system with the help it needs to avoid these issues.
 So what kind of foods are the most helpful? When it comes to good digestion, fresh vegetables and fruit can be an important source of soluble fiber, needed to maintain regular bowel movement. Fibrous produce includes eggplant, squash, broccoli, apples, blackberries and cherries. Yogurt is a key source of probiotics, the "good" bacteria that the body needs to combat digestive disorders.
 Whole grains such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, bulgur wheat, millet and brown rice are also healthy sources of soluble fiber. When it comes to foods that promote digestive health, however, nothing is as good for you as kiwi fruit. That's because kiwi fruit is one of the few foods that combines soluble fiber, prebiotics, phenolic compounds and digestive enzymes, the four most important elements of good digestion.
 Taking an all-natural supplement made from freshly harvested New Zealand kiwi fruit can help to ensure that your body is getting everything it needs on a regular basis in order to maintain a properly functioning digestive system. And in supplement form, you can get the full nutritional value of two whole kiwis in just one tiny pill.
 While eating a diet rich in foods that promote digestive health is certainly important, adding a daily kiwi supplement to that diet can improve not just your digestive health but your overall health as well. So don't shortchange your digestive system, make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need on a regular basis so that your food works for you, not against you.
 Do your homework and find an all-natural kiwi supplement that you can rely on. Combined with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise it can mean the difference between good digestive health and years of digestive issues. Good digestion is the pathway to good health, so let the kiwi be your key to feeling better.
James Brown is retired from the military after serving 25 years. James is passionate about all matters relating to health and fitness. In addition, he conducts research in the areas of natural dietary supplements as they relates to the human digestive system. You may obtain additional information on the amazing health benefits of kiwi-fruit supplement by going to:=><a href=""></a>

Saturday 25 August 2012

What makes Bee pollen one of the best energy and mood enhancer

Go see any doctor and tell them you're always feeling depressed, and they'll immediately write out a prescription for some mood enhancing drugs. Tell them that you always feel tired, and they'll probably give you another load of tablets, and perhaps some multivitamins. Alternatively, you can go into any shop nowadays, and choose one of the many energy drinks being sold. What a world we live in, where all our problems need to be corrected through the use of pharmaceuticals.

Imagine you had to wake up at the crack of dawn, then you had to run out into the fields with a box, you had to fill that box with apples, and then run back home, empty the box, and then do the exact same thing, over and over again until the sun went down. I don't know about you, but by the end of the second or third day, I definitely wouldn't be in a very good mood. In fact, I don't think I'd even have enough energy to get out of bed.

Now imagine the humble honey bee. These little creatures work flat out all day, every day, and yet they never run out of energy, and I seriously doubt they ever get depressed. Well, bees can't go to the doctor, and they can't take powerful mind altering drugs, so they had no choice but to come up with their own solution.

They did, and you can be rest assured, it's one of the finest natural energy and mood enhancer on the planet. But wait, it gets even better, because it's one of the only, if not "the" only complete foods known to man. That's right, bee pollen contains all the various nutrients your body needs in order to stay alive.

How does it enhance energy? Bee pollen is approximately 55% carbohydrates, but the good kind, unlike the carbohydrates you get from foods such as sugar and flour. It also has incredibly few calories. In fact, many people even use bee pollen as a weight loss aid. Because it contains everything your body needs, it tends to keep hunger at bay, while energy levels remain high.

Bee pollen can also enhance your mood.. This is largely due to the fact that it's a good source of fatty acids, and omega-3 fatty acids have mood enhancing properties. Research studies have for example shown that EPA, which is one of the omega-3 fatty acids, can reduce the severity of depression, and even reduce suicidal behavior amongst people suffering from depression. Admittedly, some people will experience better results than others, but that applies to all health supplements, and even to pharmaceuticals.

If you're skeptical about bee pollen being one of the world's best natural energy and mood enhancer, then I would truly like to encourage you to do some of your own research. If there were no benefits to be had, people certainly wouldn't still be using it thousands of years later.
If you would like to learn more about what makes bee pollen one of the best natural energy and mood enhancer on the planet, please visit my site at By V K Rajagopalan.

Sunday 19 August 2012

cardio exercise routies


Running is a great choice for a variety of reasons:

 It doesn't require special equipment (except some quality shoes)

 You can do it just about anytime, anywhere

 It's high impact, which helps build strong bones and connective tissue

 It gets your heart rate up more quickly than low or no impact exercise

 It helps you burn serious calories, especially if you add hills, sprints or try interval training.

In fact, a 145-lb person can burn 300 calories by running at 5.2 mph for 30 minutes. The same person would burn about half of that with a brisk walk.  The downside is that it takes time to build the strength and stamina to run continuously and, because it's high impact, it may not work for every person.
Swimming is another great choice because, like cross-country skiing, it's a full body exercise. The more body parts you involve in your workout, the more calories you'll burn. Spend 30 minutes doing the breastroke and you'll burn almost 400 calories. Best of all, your joints are fully supported so you don't have to worry about high-impact injuries. It's also great cross-training for other cardio activities.
Jumping Rope
Jumping rope is another calorie-scorcher and, as an added bonus, a jump rope packs easily in your suitcase, making it an excellent travel exercise.  A 145-lb person can burn a whopping 330 calories with a 30-minute workout, but you'll want to slowly work your way up to that.
Start by jumping for 1-2 minutes at a time, taking breaks by marching in place and swinging your rope in a figure eight motion.  Continue alternating for 10-20 minutes and, over time, gradually increase the amount of time you jump while decreasing your rests.  You can add variety by trying different foot patterns (jumping on one foot, scissor jumps, etc.).

Saturday 18 August 2012

LBT homeworkout part two

Lunges – great for firm bums and thighs
•1 set of 15 to 24 reps with each leg

Stand in a split stance with your right leg forward and left leg back. Slowly bend the knees, lowering into a lunge until both legs are nearly at right angles. Keeping the weight in your heels, push back up to starting position. Keep your back straight and don’t let your knees extend over your toes.

Calf raises – great for shapely legs and calves
•2 sets of 15 reps

Stand straight but avoid locking your legs. Slowly move onto your toes lifting your heels off the ground and then slowly lower your heels back down. Place hands on a wall or chair for stability. For more of a challenge, do these calf raises away from the wall and with a weight in each hand, such as two water bottles.
Bridges – great for firm bums
•2 sets of 15 to 20 reps

Lie on your back with your knees bent and heels close to your bottom. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and flat on the floor. Raise your hips up to create a straight line from knees to shoulders. As you come up, tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles. Don’t let your knees point outwards.

Stomach crunches – great for flat stomachs
•2 sets of 15 to 24 reps

Lie down on your back, knees bent and hands behind your ears. Keeping your lower back pressed into the floor, raise your shoulder blades no more than 3 inches off the floor and slowly lower down. Don’t tuck your neck into your chest as you rise and don’t use your hands to pull your neck up.

Obliques – great for toning love handles
•1 set of 12 to 24 reps on each side

Lie down on your back with your knees bent and together and feet off the floor. Place your right hand behind your right ear and extend the left arm out. Keeping your lower back pressed into the floor, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and curl your upper body diagonally across your chest towards your left knee and lower down.

Back raises – great for good posture
•2 sets of 15 to 24 reps

Lie down on your chest and place your hands by your temples or extended out in front for more of a challenge. Keeping your legs together and feet on the ground, raise your shoulders off the floor no more than 3 inches and slowly lower down. Keep a long neck and look down as you perform the exercise.

LBT home workout

Tone up, firm up and burn fat from your tummy, hips, thighs and bottom with this 10-minute legs, bums and tums (LBT) home workout.

This LBT exercise routine counts towards your recommended weekly activity guidelines for strength. Find out more about physical activity guidelines for adults.

Before you begin, warm up with this 6-minute warm-up routine. After your workout, cool down with a 5-minute cool down.

Squats – great for firm bums and thighs

•perform 2 sets of 15 to 24 repetitions (reps)

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands down by your sides or stretched out in front for extra balance. Lower yourself by bending your knees until they are nearly at a right angle, with your thighs parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and don’t let your knees extend over your toes.

Friday 17 August 2012

Workout those legs

I find a good workout for about 1 hour is to jump on your bike.
Try to throw in a challenge when planning your route like a hill or a dirt track.
A nature reserve is also a excellent place to take your bike as another challenge.
It improves leg muscles and stretches the joints.
It will also help move your other muscles and joints so they move more freely.
Drink water to keep yourself hydrated.
A good place to start building your fitness in the summer.

Thursday 16 August 2012

10-minute home cardio workout

Burn calories, lose weight and feel great with this 10-minute home cardio workout routine for aerobic fitness.
If you have a skipping rope, replace any of the exercises listed below with a 60-second burst of skipping.
This 10-minute cardio workout counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of aerobic activity every week
How much physical activity do adults aged 19-64 years old need to do to keep healthy?
To stay healthy or to improve health, adults need to do two types of physical activity each week: aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity.
How much physical activity you need to do each week depends on your age