Thursday 17 April 2014

Top ten health benefits of Almond milk

If you are trying new products to substitute for milk, try almond milk. When created properly, almond milk has many benefits that will increase the quality of your diet. Here is why,

1. Almond milk doesn't taste like milk.
One benefit of almond milk is that it definitely doesn't taste like milk. Almond milk has it's own unique flavor: light, nutty, crisp. It does differ from milk. So if you hate the way milk tastes, but want something you add to your cream of wheat or coffee, try almond milk. It won't taste like milk, but will have the same consistency that you need to enhance certain dishes.
2. Almond milk is healthy and nutritious.
Need to boost the magnesium, potassium or Vitamin E in your diet? Drink almond milk! Almonds are full of these essential nutrients. So, as you consume it, you are increasing the level of health in your diet.
3. Almond milk is lower in calories than dairy milk.
4. Almond milk doesn't have to be refrigerated in an icebox.
Dairy milk has to be refrigerated or it will spoil. Yet, you will see in the stores that almond milk is set on the shelf with dry foods. It doesn't have to be set on ice to keep its integrity. This fact is excellent for road trips and camping trips. Use almond milk instead of regular milk and lessen the load in your ice chest.
5. Almond milk is a better milk alternative than soy milk.
6. Almond milk is an excellent alternative for people with milk allergies.
Normally, when you think of a person who can't drink milk, it's because they are lactose intolerant. Yet, there are other things that comprise milk that some people are allergic too. If you happen to be one of those people or your baby is, almond milk is an excellent alternative. It can be consumed without all of the ill effects.
7. The residuals of almond milk can be used in baking.
9. Almond milk is one product part of a new wave of milk alternatives.
According to a report by the International Market for Dairy Alternatives, the U.S. continues to grow in sales and production of dairy alternatives. Why? For several dietary reasons, Americans are choosing to consume non-dairy products. So, the U.S. is trying to meet that demand. Be part of the new wave of eating right. Substitute almond milk for dairy milk and see how much better you feel.
10. Almond milk is an excellent alternative for lactose intolerant people.
If you are lactose intolerant, you have difficulty digesting milk. As a result, when you consume it, you become bloated, gassy and sick. Almond milk is a product you can use in replace of milk. Pour it over your cereal or drink it with a piece of cake and you'll see it is an excellent, tasty alternative. Therefore, you get the benefit of eating your favourite foods without the downside of a negative reaction to lactose.

Monday 14 April 2014

Motivational Tips: "Grocery List" for Weight Loss and nutrition program

TIP! One way to help you lose weight is to eat slowly. Chew food slowly to allow your body to digest it properly.
What do I add to my "Grocery List" for weight loss? I am not just talking about adding food to a list, but developing an ongoing, specific list with tips and tasks like a "Grocery List" for weight loss to get in the habit of developing a healthier lifestyle. You must have motivation to lose weight. You have to really desire to lose weight for you, not someone else. Read the following article to figure out how to find the motivation to lose your access weight.
TIP! You should keep track of all of your food and exercise on paper. Studies prove that when you track your eating and exercise activities, you lose larger amounts of weight than those that do not take the time to record their efforts.Get your pets involved to help with workouts. Fluffy can help you burn just as many calories as a treadmill. If you chase your pet or play with the pet, you can get a great workout without even realizing it, and have a lot of fun, too. This is guaranteed to help you lose weight.
TIP! Read nutrition labels to lose more weight. The amount of calories in a certain serving is very important to keep track of.Always stay positive about weight loss. A positive attitude toward healthy eating and exercise will help you to enjoy them instead of dreading them. This is particularly helpful on days where you aren't feeling very motivated.
TIP! Try to avoid the latest diet trends when beginning a nutrition program. Diets that cut out whole food groups may hurt your health.Salmon is a great fish for dieters, although it is not always easy to make and it also great to add to your "Grocery List" for weight loss. Canned salmon can be used as a substitute for fresh fish. This is easy and does not cost a lot.
TIP! You might want to begin a food diary to control the amount of calories you consume. Writing down everything you eat can help you to see the diet destroying mistakes you may not even realize you are making. Try to exercise often if you are attempting to lose weight. It does not matter if you are very busy, you can incorporate some strength or aerobic training into the activities that you do every day. For instance, you can do dips or push ups on your kitchen counter while you wait for food to cook.
TIP! Wear comfortable shoes for working out. If you are going to be doing extra work outs you need to ensure that you have good shoes.
Eating Less
TIP! To satisfy your dessert cravings without eating unhealthily, consider a type of cake that is somewhat light, such as angel food cake. It can be very hard to ignore strong cravings.Reduce your plate size if you desire to lose weight effectively. You will trick your mind into choosing smaller portions and eating less. Eating less is the only way to decrease calories.
TIP! Shoot for a target clothing size, not a target weight. Don't look to your scale as the end all to your success.Potato lovers who want to lose weight can make a very delicious mashed potato substitute using cauliflower. Steam cauliflower florets with a small amount of water in a covered sauce pan, and puree it once it is tender with vegetable or poultry broth. This is a great side dish for larger dinners and provides a lot of nutrition, with a small amount of carbohydrates.
TIP! A good start to a healthy, well-balanced diet is to use a diet of about 2000 calories per day. Whatever you calorie intake, it is vital to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs.Allowing yourself to buy clothes in smaller sizes as your weight decreases can also be a great motivator to continue eating right and exercising. If you are overweight, you may want to distract yourself and others from the weight by wearing baggy or loose clothing. If you stick to clothing that is more form fitting, you will remain aware of why you want to lose weight.
TIP! It is perfectly fine for you to get a bit vain during the time that you are trying to lose weight. Keep track of the improvements in your body and celebrate when you can fit into a smaller size dress.Consuming coffee can be added to your "Grocery List" for weight loss. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages, however it is not widely known that it also can provide a great boost to your fitness goals. Coffee energizes you and can even kick start your metabolism.
TIP! Always eat breakfast first thing in the morning prior to leaving your home. Don't make the mistake of grabbing a "convenient" breakfast just because you're in a hurry.Eating off of a smaller size plate can actually cause you to eat less. There is evidence to suggest that we feel compelled to clean our plates regardless of portion size. Small portions on small plates look like just as much food, so you won't feel as if you are eating less.
TIP! If you're eating when distracted, you'll be more susceptible to gaining weight. If you don't pay attention to your diet and a diet that works fast , you will probably eat more than you intend.Reduce your consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat by eating less red meat. Instead of eating a lot of meat, substitute this food with vegetables that can carry the same amount of nutrients with less fat. Reduce the amount of meat you use in your current favorite dishes.
TIP! When you are walking, tighten your stomach muscles and stand up straight. It will be tough to keep it in mind to do it, but keep practicing! This can improve your back strength, posture and get you a firm butt.Using the tips provided, you will be able to achieve your ideal weight with ease by keeping up with your "Grocery List" for weight loss. For the best results, use this good advice to keep your motivation high and your focus on your goals.
Courtney Wood
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Tuesday 1 April 2014

Homemade Natural Energy Drink vs. Commercially Available Chemical Cocktails

If you've never made your own homemade all-natural energy drink, I can only say that you don't know what you're missing. Of course you can go into any shop and buy one, but how do you know what's in those drinks? Yes, you can look at the list of ingredients, but do you really know what each ingredient is?
The vast majority of energy drinks contain preservatives, artificial coloring, and of course, artificial flavoring. On top of that, they usually contain several other chemicals as well. In my books, chemicals cannot possibly be good for one's health.
Most commercially available energy beverages are manufactured with two goals in mind. They must have the ability to increase energy levels, and they must be extremely profitable. If a manufacturer can make a product that increases your energy for an hour or two, and they can make a 200% profit on it, they are happy.
Manufacturers have no motivation to make healthy energy drinks. It costs them considerably more, which in turn means they make less money. Of course they could just charge consumers more, but people will only pay so much. And, if those healthy drinks don't sell very quickly, they'll go to waste since there won't be any preservatives preventing them from spoiling.
If I made an energy drink that was delicious, and one which also included every single vitamin and mineral your body needs, and I then tried to sell it for $30, you probably would even consider buying it. After all, you can go into a shop and pick up one for less than a dollar.
If on the other hand I was selling my drinks for the same price as those you see in the shops, you would obviously want to buy mine, given that they are health drinks as well as energy drinks. Well, I have got some good news for you. You can make your own, and they'll cost you even less than the rubbish you get in the stores.
Simply stock up on some of your favorite fruit juices, or alternatively you can make your own juice. Add a teaspoon full of high quality bee pollen to a glass of your favorite juice, and you're left with the healthiest homemade all-natural energy drink money can buy. After all, bee pollen is listed as a complete food since it contains every single vitamin and mineral your body requires, and it's also a proven energy enhancer.
If you would like to discover many more reasons why you should add bee pollen to your homemade natural energy drink, please visit <a href=""></a> By V K Rajagopalan.