Tuesday 28 January 2014

The 6 Top Health Benefits Of The 'Testicle' Fruit

The avocado is a fruit originally found in the Central Mexican region that has been cultivated for more than 10,000 years. The name 'avocado' is derived from the Aztech or Nahuatl word 'ahuacatl', meaning 'testicle'; referring to the shape of the fruit. Some people call the avocado the 'alphabet fruit' because it contains so many vitamins, including Vitamins A, C, E, K and B6, along with an enormous amount of potassium and healthy fats. It is also known as the 'alligator pear' due to its scaly skin.
 One of the main health benefits of avocado is that when you eat it along with other healthy foods, you are guaranteed that your body will increase the absorption of nutrients from the healthy foods by more than 400%, than if you ate them alone. So next time you are enjoying your healthy green salad, make sure you sprinkle some avocado on top to get the most health benefits out of your salad content.
 However eating avocados alone can also be very beneficial. The Mayan Indians have a saying in that "Where avocados grow, hunger or malnutrition has no friends". Let's have a look at the main health benefits of avocados to prove the above saying:
 Maintains a healthy heart - Oleic acid also known as omega-9, is the primary fatty acid contained in avocados and many studies have shown that this kind of fatty acid improves cardiovascular health. Other kind of fatty acids are the omega-3s which are also found in avocados with abundance, and are mega fighters against heart diseases.
 Lowers cholesterol levels - Avocados are rich in a compound called beta-sitosterol which has been found to lower the LDL cholesterol which is the "bad" cholesterol. Studies have found that by adding avocados to your diet for a week, the LDL levels and triglyceride (also harmful) can decrease by 22%, whereas the HDL (good cholesterol) can increase by over 10%.
 Controls blood pressure - Potassium is great when it comes to regulating blood pressure and preventing circulatory diseases. The good news is that avocados are loaded with potassium. Just to give you a rough idea, avocados can boast more than 30% potassium content than bananas.
 Protects against eye diseases - Avocado is an excellent source of carotenoid lutein which keeps the eyes safe from oxidative stress, macular degeneration and cataracts. Avocados contain more carotenoid lutein than any other commonly used fruit.
 Helps stabilize blood sugar levels - The monounsaturated fats (good fats) found in avocados prevents blood sugar levels from spiking after a meal. These fats can even reverse insulin resistance which helps to regulate blood sugar levels, meaning a steadier blood sugar for the long term.
 Helps pregnant women and decreases birth defects - Avocados are rich in folate which is vitamin B9 commonly known as folic acid. Just one cup full of avocado provides almost a quarter of the recommended daily value of folate. The high levels of folate in avocado are essential for the prevention of birth defects such as neural tube defect and spina bifida. Folate also helps for the development of the brain and other tissues of the baby.
 Another vitamin found in avocados is vitamin B6 which helps reduce nausea that usually comes with pregnancy.
If you have been through pregnancy before (if you're a woman of course), you might remember your doctor giving you supplements of folic acid. Well now you have a natural source called the "avocado".
 Just a slight warning - avocados are high in calories (one avocado approx. 320 calories) so if you're trying to lose weight then you might want to go easy on the fruit, or cut something else out of your daily diet. Like any kind of superfood, the avocado also has its disadvantages so it is always best to consult with your family physician.
If today is the day that you want to change your lifestyle, then do it today, because the more you put it off until "Next Week", the less likely you are to ever start. Just take a quick look at this site today to get some free tips about living a better lifestyle <a href="http://www.whatyoucanachieve.com">http://www.whatyoucanachieve.com</a>

Sunday 26 January 2014

Good Digestive Health Will Boost Your Overall Well Being

Maintaining good digestive health is vital if you want to live a healthy life. This is because most diseases start from the digestive tract. The majority of the immune cells are located in the digestive tract; hence imbalance in this part of your body leads to compromised immunity and the associated health issues.
Some of the problems that can arise due to imbalance in your gut include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas; others are colds, flu, and skin conditions like acne.
Problem in the gut could also lead to more serious health issues like heart disease and even colon cancer. That is why you should always ensure that your digestive health is in order. Prevention is always better than cure; you can prevent a lot of diseases and infections simply by taking care of your digestive health.
One of the major cause of digestive problems is diet. We eat a lot of  of junk and processed foods these days; these foods are choked with saturated fats and/or refined sugar. These clog the intestine and slow down digestion. So if you want a healthy digestive system, you need to change your diet to more wholesome foods. Limit your consumption of starch and sugar, eat more of vegetables, fruits and whole grains as these are rich in dietary fibers.
Dietary fibers stimulate the reproduction of the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract; for starters, the friendly bacteria are responsible for the digestion of the food we eat. We all have both the good and bad bacteria inside our bowels; when the bad ones are more than the good ones, trouble bursts; so you need to ensure that the beneficial bacteria in your system outnumber the bad guys.
Most people resort to taking probiotics foods or supplements like yogurt or kefir; although these products contain probiotics or the good bacteria, the truth is that the majority of them die even before reaching your intestine.
If you want your probiotics to work well, you need to combine them with prebiotics also known as dietary fibers. Aside from stimulating the production of the good bacteria in your gut, prebiotics also act as food for the good bacteria, prebiotics also clean up the bowel and get rid of toxins and the harmful bacteria that cause diseases.
Kiwi fruit is one of the major sources of prebiotics; it does not only contain fibers, but also has digestive enzymes and phenolic compounds, which are vital for efficient digestion and good digestive health. In order to benefit fully from kiwi, you would have to eat at least two to three kiwis in a day including the skin. This is not practicable for most people because of the unpalatable taste of kiwi skin.
However, there are a couple of kiwi-based prebiotic supplements on the market that you can choose from; but ensure that you select one that includes the whole kiwifruit (pulp, seeds and skin).
There is no question about it, good digestive health equals better overall well being and the good news is, it is quite achievable!
Oprah Jones is a dedicated health researcher who enjoys sharing information about her research findings.
If you are serious about improving your digestive health and staying healthy, happy and vibrant, visit her website: <a href="http://prebiotics-digestive-supplement-guide.com">http://prebiotics-digestive-supplement-guide.com</a> or <a href="http://prebiotics-digestive-supplement-guide.com/what-are-prebiotics">http://prebiotics-digestive-supplement-guide.com/what-are-prebiotics</a> for more information on digestive health supplements.

Saturday 25 January 2014

5 Quick and Easy Ways To Lose Holiday Fat

After the gifts have been unwrapped and everyone has gone their own way, what do you have left? Clothes that don't fit that you need to return, dishes to clean and the 5 to 10 pounds that you added between Thanksgiving and Christmas. While everyone is saying how they are going to "lose weight this year", you can start losing the fat and build a better body today.  Don't be fooled by these fancy diet programs, your diets don't have to be boring and you don't have to spend hours in the gym. These five tips are excellent ways to jumpstart your metabolism and will have you looking leaner in a few short weeks.
1)Stop hunger cravings
Whenever you are feeling hungry between meals and don't know what to eat, grab a protein shake (or any protein source such as eggs or grilled chicken), 2-3 fish oil capsules and as much water as you can drink (usually 2-3 cups). This will immediately stop any cravings and also helps you to burn fat. Protein is high-grade fuel for your muscles and will actually raise your metabolism and keep you full for longer than any type of carbohydrate.
Fish oil has been proven in research to help decrease the damage of a sugar filled meal when taken before or with meals. The healthy fat contained in fish oil will also keep you full and has been shown to help you burn stored body fat. Water is another essential fat loss aid that most people do not get enough of. Anytime your body doesn't have enough water, it will immediately eat up muscle tissue. Since we don't want this to happen and since water tricks your mind to think that your body is full, we need to reach for a glass anytime we get those hunger cravings.
2)Quick body weight circuits
Whenever you have five minutes where you are not doing anything, perform a quick bodyweight circuit. Bodyweight exercises are a fantastic way to raise your metabolism to burn fat for the rest of the day and best of all; you can do them anytime, anywhere, in any clothes. The circuit fashion moves you from exercise to exercise so there is no waiting around and has been shown to be at least five times more effective at burning fat then any other training method. Another tip, just jump out of bed in the morning in your pajamas and perform a quick circuit to burn stored, stubborn body fat.
3)Finish your workout the right way
Twice a week add "finishers" to the end of your workout. This is my favorite way and the preferred way of many of the top fat loss trainers in the world to burn fat instead of long, boring cardio. Finishers work so well for fat loss that they can only be done a few times a week and need to be paired with proper post workout nutrition. Finishers consist of three to four exercises done in a timed fashion at the end of your workout. This is when our body is using fat for energy so the finishers are a better substitute then hopping on the treadmill or bike. You can't beat fun and effective faster fat loss.
4) Make a power smoothie for your breakfast.
In the real world, most people don't have time to sit down and eat a healthy and smart breakfast so I won't waste your time and tell you the same boring information you've read before. Let's fix the problem of a healthy breakfast in a new way. Power smoothies are fast, effective and best of all keep you filled for hours unlike the traditional breakfast. My favorite recipe is the "Green Tea Fat Blast"
1-2 cups of Iced, Unsweetened Green Tea
1 Cup of Mixed Berries
1 Whole Banana
1 Cup of Plain, Low-Fat Vanilla Yogurt
1 Scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Packet of Stevia To Your Taste
This mix contains stress and fat fighting anti-oxidants, green tea to attack stubborn fat, protein and yogurt to build muscle and fruits to keep you full. Best of all, you can prepare and blend this in less than 3 minutes!
5) Make your training complex
No, I don't mean to confuse yourself while you train, I'm telling you to add complexes into your training. This method is as close to the ultimate fat loss method as there is and it will cause you to literally see the fat melting off. There's no reason to stay in the gym for 45 minutes to an hour when you are trying to burn fat. Complexes get you in, get a ton of fat burning work done and send you home to burn more fat while you sit on the couch, do work or relax with your family.Here's an example of a complex
A1) Push-up 3 sets of 10 reps
A2) Chin-up 3 sets of 6 reps
A3) Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 sets of 8 reps
A4) Crunch 3 sets of 15 reps
Rest: 60 seconds
Jimmy Smith,CSCS, is a fitness trainer in Stamford,CT, author of the best selling fat loss program 29 Days To Faster Fat Loss and is a training advisor for Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines. For more information on his number one selling fat loss program visit <a href="http://www.29daystofasterfatloss.com">http://www.29daystofasterfatloss.com</a>

Understanding Exactly What Yoga Is About, What It Can Do For You And How You Can Benefit From It!

Tapping Into True Truth, Happiness and Success by Implementing Yoga Exercises.
Yoga exercises can look like a perplexed concept; or, at the very least, a mind-blowing regalia of physical manipulations that bend obviously satisfied looking people into satisfied looking individual pretzels. Or yet more disturbing, a stereotype does endure in areas where the phrase yoga is symbolic of spiritual conspiracy, or some kind of basic spiritual idea that instructions one to quit their job, offer their house, and go reside in the middle of nowhere.
In real truth, Yoga is a really primary matter; and if you've had the Chance to travel to a country where it has been instituted for generations like India, Japan, China, and others, it's actually kind of average.
The use of yoga exercises came to the western back in 1893 with one of India's most popular gurus. He's now recognized for having triggered the West's participation in yoga exercises.
Literally, the word yoga arrives from the Sanskrit term Yug, which means: to yoke, bind, join, or direct one's attention. At the same time, yoga may as well connote concepts such as fusion, join, and discipline.
The scriptures of Hinduism as well identifies yoga exercises as .unitive discipline; the sort of self-discipline that, results in internal and external unification, balance and pleasure. Basically, yoga exercises are most generally converted as conscious living; of hitting into someone's inner opportunities for pleasure and success.
Some of the times it's helpful to comprehend things by what they aren't; particularly when addressing a topic, like Yoga, that's rather easily misconceived.
Authors and yoga exercise students help us understand yoga exercise by informing us what it isn't: It is not callisthenic exercise. While it's straightforward that yoga exercises actually require many positions, above all in hatha yoga exercise, these are only intended to get people to contact their inner spirits.
Yoga isn't a scheme of meditation, or a faith, the way a lot of inhabit are led astray to think. Meditation is only part of the total process of taking ourselves into the area of the spiritual.
Just about all yogic medical self discipline and doctrine says that a person is just a shard of a remarkable development, and when this person understands to "converse" with this magnitude, than he/she accomplishes partnership with something that's larger than him/her.
This bond or tapping into something larger, enables one to walk the true course of happiness. By flowing along with the force, the soul is able to expose truth.
And with fact follows realization; but to accomplish understanding, our terms, ideas and works must be established on fact. Individuals go to classes on yoga exercises and go to studios to find out new techniques in yoga exercises, but yoga exercise instructors say that .true yoga begins when you leave the studio; it's all about being responsive and being aware of your activities.
Yoga and Physical Wellness.
Yoga doesn't have a differentiation between the body and the mind; and this is a realization that western psychology has as well reasoned for a lot of years now.
Yoga exercises is indeed a technique that calls for expelling obstructed tension and energy in the whole body, and helping make the muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons and all other elements work to their utmost potentiality.
Yoga conceives that humanity is properly planned, naturally, to be flexible and nimble; and rigidity and lack of mobility only come when the whole body is not healthy or out of positioning.
Consequently, countless individuals have found themselves in a yoga class, or on a yoga exercise mat at home watching a Yoga video or DVD, in the search for bettering their physical health; and maybe you are among them. If that's the case; just keep going.
There are demonstrated physical benefits of yoga, which include:
&bull; Expanded flexibility and range of movement
&bull; Greater quality of sleep
&bull; Less attackable immune system
&bull; Expanded metabolism
&bull; Decreased painfulness in muscles and joints
&bull; More potent lung capacity and consequently higher quality breathing
Particular yoga exercises techniques call for certain positions to be learned, so yoga exercises has forever helped to promote the body flexibility; it as well helps in lubricating the joint parts, muscle and structures. Yoga can detox by increasing the rate of blood circulation to different parts of the body. It aids tone and enlivens muscles that have become lax and weak.
So keep in mind that, although yoga is often talked about in terms of its mental plan of attack, there are clear and established physical benefits that are a part of it.
Consequently, if weight-loss is what you are looking for, or the energy to scoop the snowfall in winter weather without having your back again harm for weeks, then yoga exercises is as possible an option to you as it is for the troubled business guy who needs to find a strategy for enduring the madness in his active life!
Practicing Yoga - <a href="http://youtu.be/NIVBGLCCSyg">http://youtu.be/NIVBGLCCSyg</a> - exercises gives a range of mental benefits; and in fact, this is a really common reason why people start doing it in the first place. You may want your yoga exercise mat - www.amazon.com/shops/Bestglobalbiz - to be eco-friendly and beyond a color and design that will make your heart go pitter-patter it needs to be storable and easy to carry.

Friday 24 January 2014

Get The Muscular Body You Want With These Proven Muscle Building Tips!

Proteins and carbohydrates are important in weight training, but vegetables should not be forgotten.
Carbohydrates and proteins are found in vegetables as are many other vital nutrients.
Fiber enables your body to more effectively utilize the protein. It is also essential that you consume enough vegetables.
By learning the best exercise techniques, you can make sure that you're not wasting time with exercises that will not help you build muscle.
Different exercises target different things; some may work on muscle building or toning. Make sure you use the correct exercise techniques to build muscle for specific muscle groups.
Making short-term goals, attaining them, and then rewarding yourself for doing so, can be a great motivator. Motivation is key to getting muscles, since it can be a long process.
You may even give yourself rewards that are directly related to muscle building. Such as a massage.
They get more blood flowing to your muscles and can aid in recovery on off days.
If you plan on using any type of creatine supplement to help build your muscles, be very cautious, especially if you are using them for a long period of time. Make sure not to use these types of supplements at all if you have any type of kidney problem.
They can also cause cramping, heart arrhythmia, and compartment syndrome. These risks are especially dangerous in adolescents. Adhere to the recommended quantities for your safety when using these supplements.
Compound exercises will help you develop your muscle mass.
This type of exercise requires you to use different muscles at the same time. For instance, a bench press uses your shoulders, triceps, and chest at the same time.
When you want to add muscle mass to your frame, make sure you are getting enough protein.
Lack of protein can lead to muscle loss, so it is important to maintain your intake of this basic building block for strong muscles.
A good measure for your muscle building diet is a gram of protein every day for every pound of your weight.
Make sure you are eating enough calories in a day.
There is a wide selection of online calculators that will help you figure out how many calories you will need to consume depending on how much muscle weight you are trying to gain.
Choose the calculator that you like the best, and then change up your diet if you need to so that you are getting the right amount of carbohydrates, protein, and other nutrients that you need.
The goal of any workout where muscle building is the focus is to create stronger muscles. You will be able to increase the amount of weights you lift over time.
When you first begin working on your muscles, you should see a 5 percent increase in the amount you can lift after every other session.
If you aren't progressing at this rate, think about what you're doing wrong. If your performance at the gym is faltering with every session, then you may not be giving your muscles enough time to recover.
It's important to limit working out to three or four times weekly.
If your workouts are providing an appropriate challenge, then your body is going to need restful periods to repair and recuperate in between exercise sessions.
You may find yourself making no progress towards your goals or even injuring yourself if you try to maintain a workout schedule that is too strenuous.
Muscle-building is a fitness-strategy that serves people of all ages.
By using the tips presented here, you are ready to start a program that will build muscle, get you into better condition and give you the skills needed for a lifetime of good health and fitness.
IFBB Pro Body Builder Ben Pakulski has released his own Mass gaining Bodybuilding program. Inside it, Ben takes an inside curve into what it really takes to build muscle, without spending hours and hours in the gym doing the wrong workouts. Find out more about Ben Pakulski here: <a href="http://benpakulskimi40x.com/ben-pakulski-workouts/">http://benpakulskimi40x.com/ben-pakulski-workouts/</a>