Sunday 26 January 2014

Good Digestive Health Will Boost Your Overall Well Being

Maintaining good digestive health is vital if you want to live a healthy life. This is because most diseases start from the digestive tract. The majority of the immune cells are located in the digestive tract; hence imbalance in this part of your body leads to compromised immunity and the associated health issues.
Some of the problems that can arise due to imbalance in your gut include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas; others are colds, flu, and skin conditions like acne.
Problem in the gut could also lead to more serious health issues like heart disease and even colon cancer. That is why you should always ensure that your digestive health is in order. Prevention is always better than cure; you can prevent a lot of diseases and infections simply by taking care of your digestive health.
One of the major cause of digestive problems is diet. We eat a lot of  of junk and processed foods these days; these foods are choked with saturated fats and/or refined sugar. These clog the intestine and slow down digestion. So if you want a healthy digestive system, you need to change your diet to more wholesome foods. Limit your consumption of starch and sugar, eat more of vegetables, fruits and whole grains as these are rich in dietary fibers.
Dietary fibers stimulate the reproduction of the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract; for starters, the friendly bacteria are responsible for the digestion of the food we eat. We all have both the good and bad bacteria inside our bowels; when the bad ones are more than the good ones, trouble bursts; so you need to ensure that the beneficial bacteria in your system outnumber the bad guys.
Most people resort to taking probiotics foods or supplements like yogurt or kefir; although these products contain probiotics or the good bacteria, the truth is that the majority of them die even before reaching your intestine.
If you want your probiotics to work well, you need to combine them with prebiotics also known as dietary fibers. Aside from stimulating the production of the good bacteria in your gut, prebiotics also act as food for the good bacteria, prebiotics also clean up the bowel and get rid of toxins and the harmful bacteria that cause diseases.
Kiwi fruit is one of the major sources of prebiotics; it does not only contain fibers, but also has digestive enzymes and phenolic compounds, which are vital for efficient digestion and good digestive health. In order to benefit fully from kiwi, you would have to eat at least two to three kiwis in a day including the skin. This is not practicable for most people because of the unpalatable taste of kiwi skin.
However, there are a couple of kiwi-based prebiotic supplements on the market that you can choose from; but ensure that you select one that includes the whole kiwifruit (pulp, seeds and skin).
There is no question about it, good digestive health equals better overall well being and the good news is, it is quite achievable!
Oprah Jones is a dedicated health researcher who enjoys sharing information about her research findings.
If you are serious about improving your digestive health and staying healthy, happy and vibrant, visit her website: <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a> for more information on digestive health supplements.

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