Sunday 30 September 2012

5 Reasons Why Diet Soda Is Making You Fat And Sick

Diet Soda.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet.
Drinking any diet soda seems harmless but lots of studies show the exact opposite. It appears that diet soda is free of calories, but not consequences.
But just how bad can reduced calorie sodas be?
I have to admit, years ago I drank quite a bit of a well known diet soda. I have never drunk regular soda as I have always been aware of the sugar content but I would have diet soda nearly every time I went out if I wasn't drinking alcohol. Not being a huge drinker, this would be quite often but now I TRY to avoid it when I can. After reading this, perhaps you might too.
Firstly, it reduces the PH levels of your blood which can cause an extremely acidic environment which in turn lowers the alkalinity in our bodies. There are many things that we eat that are acidic, things like eggs and coffee for example but we can balance this out by eating green vegetable and drinking green tea. Diet soda on the other hand provides no nutritional value and a whole host of other problems.
It can over time, alter the chemistry of your mind.
Bisphenol-A or BPA is a chemical used to make plastics hard and also line cans. The acidic nature of diet soda increases the exposure to this chemical from the can and studies now show that exposure to BPA can lead to increased aggressiveness, hyperactivity and impaired learning in children. Please DO NOT let your children drink these drinks if you care about their health.
The link between obesity and diet drinks have been well documented but can drinking diet sodas ACTUALLY cause you to gain body fat?
When you drink any artificially sweetened drink, it tricks the body into thinking it is eating sugar. The body will release insulin from the pancreas to combat that supposed rise in sugar (which isn't there) and then have nowhere to go and no job to perform. We know that if you can effectively control the insulin response from food you can avoid gaining fat. Diet soda has been shown to stimulate the release of insulin and you WILL gain fat.It gets worse.
Artificial sweeteners trigger appetite and inhibit brain cells that signal the feeling of being full which means that regular diet soda drinkers have a tendency to over eat.
Diet soda causes your gut bacteria to adapt in a way that interferes with your satiety signals and metabolism. When the gut is exposed to this new sweetened environment, the bacteria in the gut produces more short-chain fatty acids. These short-chain fatty acids decrease satiety signals and may cause disruption in our feeling full and can cause us to over eat.On top of that, these acids promote inflammation in the lining of the gut. Scientists are not entirely sure how but they do know that inflammation damages gut tissue and results in leaky gut syndrome. This means bacteria can leak through the stomach into your blood stream and cause serious problems like insulin resistance which can lead to type 2 diabetes and the increased risk of heart disease.
Diet soda doesn't sound so cool now does it?
Gavin Gillibrand BSc. Fat loss and Body Transformation Expert in the City of London, UK
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