Saturday 28 September 2013

What to do when it's snack time?

So how do you cope when its snack time?
You have started your day with good intentions, how do you stay on track?
I am a firm believer that you must have breakfast every day without fail.
It is the most important meal of the day and you need some thing to get going.
Research has told us to drink more water (2 litres) so it has been proven if you start your day and breakfast with water it will help you eat less.
The next thing you could think about is the food shopping.
Controlling this could be the answer too as if you make a plan and list only healthy food and don't buy snack foods whilst out shopping this will benefit you because your cupboards will not have snack food in them.
Ok what about that afternoon slump?
I feel like I want a snack then, happens to the best of us.
Researchers have found an increase in blood glucose levels  occurs after eating a meal, can switch off the brain cells that normally keep us awake and alert.
Our instinct reach for the sugary snack "STOP"!!!
What we need is not a sugary snack, it's protein, try eating a hand full of nuts or anything that contains protein.

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