Monday 22 October 2012

Fun And Effective Workout Ideas You Can Do With A Trampoline

Many families these days have a trampoline for their kids because a lot of health experts endorse it as a good "toy" for keeping the kids active. However, if you're a parent, you can also use it for a fun workout to stay in shape but without causing too much strain on your muscles and joints. According to many fitness gurus, all the bouncing can actually "promote lymphatic drainage" that can rid your body of harmful toxins that typically contribute to the growth of cancerous cells.

So what kinds of exercises can you do with this really great product?

The most basic perhaps is the "health bounce"; all you really need to do is place yourself at the centre of the trampoline, properly position your feet apart (preferably hip-width) then bounce without lifting your feet off the trampoline. This is a very controlled movement which is often used as a warm-up or cool-down exercise. This develops calf muscles and promotes proper and regulated breathing.

If you're very flexible or limber, you can practice mid-air splits and even try Pilates movements which you will find are actually much easier to execute when you're "up in the air." A lot of gymnasts use a trampoline to perfect their posture and execution of backflips, aerials and other forms of tumbling. However, these exercises are best tried on a trampoline with safety netting because landing may be harder to control because of the different movements of the body.

Targeting those bulges and creating a nicer bodyline can be achieved through twist exercises. Doing twist exercises on a trampoline can really intensify the work-out, get the heart pumping and really work out those core muscles. Just twist your body to the left and then to the right with your rhythmic bouncing and you can really burn away the flabs around your stomach. Be sure to execute each twist properly though to avoid back injuries.

Another effective trampoline exercise that targets the often problematic middle section of the body is by simply bouncing from side to side. This creates tension around the stomach and can really burn excess fat for a firm and lean look. You can say goodbye to your love handles if you do this particular exercise regularly.

Doing jumping jacks on a trampoline is also a great cardio exercise and simple to do as well. You get to work out your arms, legs and thighs and really create defined muscles. Some people alternate this by using a jump rope; however, the common issue other folks have with this is the rhythm for turning the rope, which is not that easy to develop especially for those who are not very well-coordinated. However, those who get to develop the right rhythm for jumping rope on a trampoline claim that the workout really yields amazing results: toned arms, stronger legs and a taut middle section.
The most basic perhaps is the "health bounce"; all you really need to do is place yourself at the centre of the trampoline, properly position your feet apart (preferably hip-width) then bounce without lifting your feet off the trampoline

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