Friday 12 October 2012

Meditation - Three Fascinating Benefits For Your Wellbeing

As you sit there and read every word or this article you will be amazed at what you will learn about mediation and the fascinating benefits it has on your well being. Meditation has plenty of benefits but it is especially beneficial to your well being. This article is going to show you some of these benefits. It will be looking at the effect of meditation on the decrease in the stress hormone, decreased cigarette, alcohol and drug abuse, and improved perception and memory.
Stress of any kind is detrimental to your health. Plasma cortisol is a stress hormone that builds up over time because we under normal circumstances have no way of getting rid of. In prehistoric times we got stressed when we were chased by a predator. The hormone made it easier for us to escape and as we ran from danger we got to utilise the hormone and it did not stay in our bodies for longer than necessary. In our high flying world today we get stressed but the hormones stay with us because we have no release in escape. The hormone can cause us to put on weight, go into depression and generally not be able to function very well. Studies have shown that plasma cortisol decreased during meditation, whereas it did not seem to change significantly in controlled subjects during ordinary relaxation. Another study following managers and employees for 3 months who regularly practice meditation showed that meditation practitioners displayed more relaxed physiological functioning. Greater reduction in anxiety, and reduced tension on the job, when compared to the control group. Meditation seems to definitely help reduce stress and help you relax.
Further to improving well being meditation seems to have an effect in cutting down on the use of abusive substances. A statistical meta-analysis of 198 independent treatment outcomes found that meditation produced a significantly larger reduction in tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs use that standard substance abuse treatments (e.g. counselling, pharmacological treatments) or prevention programs (e.g.programs to counteract peer-pressure and promote personal development). The conventional programs had effects showing decreases by three months. The effects of meditation on total abstinence from tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs ranges from 50% to 89% over an 18 to 22 month period of study.
The third area where well being is bettered by meditation is the improved perception and memory of people. In a study some college students were instructed in meditation and they displayed significant improvements in performance over a two-week period on a perceptual and short term memory test which involved the identification of a familiar letter sequences presented rapidly. They were compared with subjects randomly assigned to a routine of twice-daily rest with eyes closed, and with subjects who made no change in their daily routine.
Three different areas that can improve with the practice of meditation.Your health, through break down of the stress hormone, less addiction to abusive substances and improved memory and perception. Imagine what other benefits you can get from practicing meditation.
Now I would like to help you experience some of the fascinating benefits of meditation. STOP and ask yourself if you would like to try meditation and reap the many benefits ==>>
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