Tuesday 9 October 2012

Increasing Wellness With Mighty Leaf Tea

Tea is considered one of the world's most popular beverages all over the world. In Asian countries, culture and traditions are maintained through special tea ceremonies, and in Europe, afternoon tea is considered an essential part of the day when people take a breather from their demanding routine to recharge and regroup.
According to tales, consumption of tea began when a king was travelling. His journey had been arduous and long, so he and his companions decided to take a break. He was served with a cup of warm water to calm his spirits. A soft breeze blew small, thin leaves landed into his cup. The king did not notice the leaves that had settle in his drinking water but when he took a sip, he instantly took note of the difference in the taste. He inspected the cup and found the leaves that had created a delightful flavour in his warm water. He ordered his guards to find the plant that produced such leaves, because aside from the taste, the king felt very invigorated after having his first cup of tea. From that time on, tea was served daily to the king and he also served it to his important guests who travelled long to see him. These days, teas come in so many different flavours and, aside from the typical tea leaves, herbs mixed with dried fruits and spices are popular for nightcaps and afternoon tea as well.
Mighty Leaf offers a wide selection of black, green, white and herbal teas that people can easily enjoy. Rich in antioxidants that can fight off viruses and prevent certain illnesses, people do not just appreciate their taste but also benefit greatly from their many health benefits. Black tea is considered a healthier alternative to coffee and even green tea; it's very rich in flavonoids known to fight bad cholesterol that typically leads to heart ailments. Green tea such as Oolong is also rich in antioxidants important in keeping the body's auto immune system healthy. It's also beneficial in dispelling free radicals from the body, which then contributes to better skin. White tea just like black and green teas has flavonoids and has anti-viral and -bacterial effects; it's also known to contribute to stronger bones. Herbal teas offer a really vast range of health benefits as well as, lustrous hair to prevention of joint inflammation to curing colds and coughs to regulating bowel movement and so much more.
In award-winning children's book author E.L. Konigsburg's "A View from Saturday", one of the characters, Mrs. Eva Olinski said, "When people come to tea, they are courteous." This is so true, because, aside from all its health benefits, having tea increases wellness by making people slow down and show respect for both the moment and the people they're having tea with. In such a hurried world, tea time is a perfect opportunity to be reminded of what quality life truly is about.
The beneficial effect of tea is undeniable. Combined with the herbs that will definitely prevent you from undesirable deseases. <a href="http://www.mightyleaf.ae">http://www.mightyleaf.ae</a>

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